
Once you website can be found you need to be able to show your company and what it does. Tradesman website home page introduces your business with branding colours, logo and information then progresses further by breaking down your core offer into services pages . If you are a Tiler that does waterproofing, and Bathroom Renovations then the services pages will highlight those services separately and include text and will have your website picked up when keywords are searched using those terms.

The website is designed to win customers without a word. Each section has images to be populated with your work so that the customer already knows your quality. This is then supported further by testimonials that are on each service pages saying from your real customers how fantastic you are these can be linked from you Google My Business page as customers prefer to be able to review independent business listings then ones that have been put up on the website by the website owner. If you don’t have any don’t worry we will remove that section and teach you how to get reviews quickly that will support the growth of your business.

Now that you customer has reviewed your work, likes it, has read the testimonials and is ready to get a quote your details need to be easily identifiable. This is achieved by having them as part of Header and also Forms available through the website but most definitely on the Contact Us page.

The beauty of these website templates are they are pre-designed for the format that is required for a tradesman. You don’t need to guess at what is needed for your website we already know, then we built templates to meet those requirements. All you need to do is view the templates, pick which one you like and check out. Tradesman website is not bulky it does not have an eCommerce shop or many interactive functions as such we don’t need charge you allot for hosting it and your weekly price is $23+GST per week.

The beauty of these website templates are they are pre-designed for the format that is required for a tradesman. You don’t need to guess at what is needed for your website we already know, then we built templates to meet those requirements. All you need to do is view the templates, pick which one you like and check out. Tradesman website is not bulky it does not have an eCommerce shop or many interactive functions as such we don’t need charge you allot for hosting it and your weekly price is $23+GST per week.



Choose what you want help with. Do you just want a basic weekly subscription or do you want website backups, SEO & Advertising? Choose what you want and let us do the work for you. We take out the guess work.